Jawatan Kosong at Lembaga Lada Malaysia


Lembaga Lada Malaysia

Jawatan Kosong at Lembaga Lada Malaysia

If you are interested in diversity, challenges, and opportunities, the Lembaga Lada Malaysia invites you to apply to become a part of our professional organization. We have many employment opportunities, and we invite you to look into the Lembaga Lada Malaysia for your future. .

1. Akauntan WA47/48
2. Pegawai Penyelidik Q41
3. Penolong Pegawai Ehwal Ekonomi E29
4. Pembantu Ehwal Ekonomi E19

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MPB Overview
Closing on 7 Ogos 2023

Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB) or called Lembaga Lada Malaysia is a federal government agency under the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) and was established under the Malaysian Pepper Board Act (Act 656) on 1 January 2007.

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Career in Lembaga Lada Malaysia